Friday, October 9, 2020

Fine tuning

The cart has undergone some changes and now the overall picture is a better one, but... There are still a few more changes that could be made. 

One would be bigger, solid wheels. Anything above training level does not allow pneumatic tires. If the wheels on this cart were a little bigger, it would help to level out the shafts giving a more balanced look.  

The paint is another issue. While I like this color- Matte Sage Green- and it is a primer & paint all on one- it's coming off onto my harness and chipping in places. I may end up sanding it all down again, hitting it with a coat of primer and painting it a glossy black to match my other cart. Then if the color comes off anymore, it's black on black and not noticeable. 

Another thing that would help is to drop the tugs one more hole and straighten out the shafts. The straighter the line of draft, more level the shafts are and balanced the cart is- the more pleasant the overall picture and also the easier it is on the horse. 

Another less noticeable necessity is the trace extenders.  The length of traces are a bit short and although I bought extenders, I need the next one up. This will let the breeching keep the cart back off the ponys rear end which helps keep everything where it should be. 

The last thing I need to work on is a pad for the harness saddle and also a sleeve for both the breast collar and the breaching. These will all make harness cleaning much easier since I can take off the 3 pieces and throw them in the wash. These also let me add a bit of color to the turnout to keep things fun. 

*My apologies for the oversize pics. Blogger wouldn't allow me to use a smaller size with the format. Every time I tried to go back to a smaller size the text got all screwed up., stuff got shifted all around and the whole thing looked like a mess. Is anyone surprised? *