Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Creating a baseline

In the last post about actually working the horse in the lines, we really just got started and were trying to focus on getting the horse moving forward in the walk, turning both directions, stopping and being able to relax and listen. So what if your horse is having issues already? Shit happens, right? We All have 'That Horse' at some point, right? It's ok. I get it. Been there!

Another part of the post about working the horse in lines is to also focus on you. Why? As the person working the horse, you need to also be comfortable in handling the lines and also confident in yourself as you learn this new skill and teach your horse things. You need to be confident that you can do this.

Putting the lines thru the lowest rings and starting at the walk, allows you and your horse both a chance to settle into something new and different without a lot of room to fail. Ground driving and being behind the horse, makes it easier for you to steer or guide the horse and keep them moving forward where you want them to go. It gets them moving and familiar with hearing your voice behind them and it gets you moving and talking. Talking to the horse means you're breathing. When you breathe, they breathe. When you tense up, they tense up expecting something to happen. Breathe. Break that cycle.

If you're working your horse in a round pen, you can lengthen your lines and move to the center, letting the horse have the rail. You can also push them into a trot or canter. Watch the way they carry themselves in all of the gaits.This will give you a good idea of what your starying point is. If you have a way of taking pictures, even better. What you'd like to see is the horse moving in a balanced and relaxed manner. Their head may be lowered into amore submissive position, they may chew, they might take and let out a few deep breaths as they move along, or they may focus on something outside the rails, their head might be up, back hollow and not paying much attention to you at all. They might be freaked out over the idea of the lines being along their sides or whatever. Now is the time to watch your horse move and start to develop an 'eye' for things that you need to tweak here and there or fix in a major re-do.

So what are you seeing in your horse so far?

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