I think a great way to get things started is with a few updates.
As of the week between Christmas and New Years- Mondo was gelded. He was a good boy for everything and even the vet and vet techs were impressed with how laid back he was before the surgery. Part of their recovery is encouraging movement to help keep the swelling down. We went for some long walks around the neighborhood and he is working his way towards being a great little all around gelding. Yay! I have been riding him and he is coming along.
Yes I am leaning into the turn and that is one of my bad habits. I don't often feel I am doing it until I see a picture and there is no denying it.
Click on the pics for a bigger image and yes, GL some of us do use the shoulder, hip, heel rule no matter which tack we sit in. And like BEC's said some of us also 'tent' our western pads too...
Last weekend I took Aruba to a horse show. It was kind of a last minute leap of faith and we did manage to bring home one ribbon... 3rd out of 3 in the sport horse mares in hand class.

No biggie since my other two mares had each brought home a third place ribbon at their first shows, just means she is fitting right in. I looked up the show dates on Thursday and figured Why not? Let's see how she does and have fun at it. Talk about last minute...

She was the biggest horse in the class if not at the show. She was a bit wound and we could have done better in a few areas, but the main thing is she was there and she behaved.
Last night I had to put my dog Abby down. Strange turn of events and 3 hours at the vet later... She was fine on Saturday and Sunday went downhill in a hurry. Last night I took her to the vet since she wasn't standing, walking, eating or drinking. Kind of a major "Oh Crap!!!" moment. Some of you may remember her from when she was on the cover of Tack & Togs back in November of 2007 with our pony Pi.
On the way home there was an accident on the main road and traffic was stopped. As if things couldn't get any worse- someone had hit a horse and it was lying dead on the side of the road. At least it looked like the horse was killed upon impact. I would hate to think the poor boy had suffered. That just sucks. Bits of plastic and glass from the car or truck were scattered all over the road and there were a couple bales of hay sitting there as well as a bunch (a flake or two worth) scattered around. The hay bales was a weird thing and nobody could quite figure that one out. Plus there was a bunch of scattered glass and plastic a bit further back up the road.
On a happier note, our bay mare Solis will be leaving soon to head over to the neighbors place. They have a therapeutic riding program and often times the siblings of the kids riding for therapy want to ride too. They are starting a small program for the those kids and Solis will be used in this part of their program. One of their program directors came over to evaluate her for their intentions and thinks Solis is a great candidate for the job. She was kind of surprised that at 24, the mare is not a special needs case requiring medications, supplements or added care. I will get pics and updates as this moves along. I am excited that she will be bringing happiness to others. The therapeutic riding program is also sponsoring a hunter jumper charity show in the fall. We hope to take a couple of ours and show them, while the proceeds are going to a great cause. Win-Win!
So what has everyone else been up to? What is your upcoming show schedule looking like? Anything that needs to be addressed right away?
*I will be adding all of the links and add on's over the next few days and I will also be adding tags to the posts this time so that anyone searching for a particular topic can find it much easier and faster.
Good news all round till last night.Glad you caught whatever was giong on with Abby quickly Poor darlin. HAy bales on the road? the horse didn't come off a truckmakeshift trailer did it? A rough night my friend ,hope today is better
It's anybodys guess at this point. Who knows what happened. This was around midnight and after being at the vets office, dealing with all of that- my mind wasn't in any shape to figure it out.
Of course I know full well the show season is in full swing down there. My mantra..."one more year, one more year, one more year" - LOL
Sorry about your Abby! What a sad thing to have had happen so quickly.
Glad to see ya bloggin again.
Hi girl, sounds like life has been busy for you. How sad to lose your dog, that just stinks. Good to see you blogging again, and congratulations on your show!
BEC's- Envious of what? Our weather for riding? lol While your mantra of 'one more year' may be working for you, mine is more along the lines of 'This is MY year'. My year to get out there and do Something. Quit sitting on the sidelines and watching, make it happen.
Kestrel- Good to see you posting here. Yep life has been a bit busy, that's for sure. I like it that way. That means there is some excitement to be found.
Well I'm envious of both riding AND close by shows, and of the fact you've worked so hard and have them ready to show!!!! I have my work cut out for me this year.
Envious that you are in full show mode down there.
LMAO-My mantra is just about having to wait one more year until we can start spending the winters down there so I can ride/show year round. I'm tired of this winter layoff crap.
Weather has been beautiful here though, so I have been riding every day and getting everyone worked. But, I'm tired of just walking around the back-country. It's too muddy and sloppy to do anything but that. I do believe I need to head to the indoor arena for a day of loping.
I'm still thinking that 'next year' will be the year that we'll all get together for a trail ride! Doesn't that sound fun?
We're gonna start your new blog off right CNJ. I left you an award on my blog. Heeheehee
Kestrel- there's still a few more piece to the puzzle to put together before it really starts heading somewhere productive... The new cart and harness for Kat, a new girth for Aruba and a mounting bock! For now I am sticking with Mondo while those two are in the holding pattern. Someday it will all come together, and a trail ride would be great.
BEC's- So now I have to come up with 7 things about myself? Gah! And here I thought you would have made a comment about our little Mondo Man and his progress.... lol
Ok so I logged in under the old account and the horse is going a different direction in my avatar pic. Good job me!
I will try to get some updated photo's over the weekend for the post with the award from BEC's. Pics are always good for us more visual learners.
Hi, just wandered over from BEC's blog. My daughter Lil Mama (Mommy in Spurs) and I show too and our season is about to begin. Can't wait to read more of your blog.
Sorry about your pup :(
Glad to see that you are back blogging. Sounds like you've sure had a lot going on.
What a nightmare, losing your dog so unexpectedly and then driving home into that kind of accident. Talk about a sucker punch to the gut. Sorry that happened to you.
Show season here is up in the air. Finances are a problem and then I don't know if Storm will be ready or not. The weather isn't conducive to riding right now and he has lots of rehab before he'll be ready.
Legs, however, is doing great. I think he will finally be properly finished in the bridle for this show season. I had hoped to go to nationals but time will tell. In the meantime I have to figure out how I'm going to get some weight on him. He really needs to be carrying more than he is.
Just wanted to say Hi.
Oh, how are your babies?
Kaede- glad you dropped in. The girls are doing well and growing like weeds. Talking a lot, getting into things and had a blast helping Mommy feed the other night. They got to sit on top of the bale of hay and ride out to the barn. They also helped to make sure the horses got their hay and were able to pet the TB mare, Aruba and Kat- each of which left their dinners to investigate the little ones at their gate.
Yay New Blog!! New year, new stuff....
I'm iced in in beautiful Indiana right now. Not a bad thing right now.
So glad you're showing & stuff!! That Mondo is too cute. Aruba is quite a sporty gal, just how I like my mares.
Wahooo! Cattypex showed up to the party. I am not envious of the ice... In fact it has been in the mid 30's the past few days here. NOT liking it at all. Brrrrrrrr!
HEY HEY HEY! - How have you been? I was out at the arab show sat night, and was it you and hubby out setting up the Gamblers Choice jumps? Saw a woman with red hair talking to a guy that looked suspiciously like hubby.... :) Got me thinking that I haven't been a good girl and following my blogs for a while.
I'll follow you on this one :)
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